la neige s'est transformée en pluie, arghhhhh!
fabriquer des colliers pour La Boutique en ligne dès aujourd'hui {snow has come into rain, arghhhhh!
making necklaces for La Boutiqueon line as soon as today} j'en profite pour remercier les premiers et premières acheteurs & acheteuses
Can I ask you what tool you use to make holes in pebbles? I just got (from santa:)) a Dremel-like tool, and I'm hoping to drill holes in sea tiles and pebbles (I'd love to drill holes in sea glass, but I'm told there's no way I can do that).
5 commentaires:
beautiful images and beautiful word, poucets, i wonder what it means.
beautiful! your things are wonderful!
je t'ai envoyé un email car le collier noir m'intéresse beaucoup. L'as-tu reçu ?
Can I ask you what tool you use to make holes in pebbles? I just got (from santa:)) a Dremel-like tool, and I'm hoping to drill holes in sea tiles and pebbles (I'd love to drill holes in sea glass, but I'm told there's no way I can do that).
i like your work very much.
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