mercredi 10 novembre 2010


corner today is autumn
love the color of autumn, love the way birds are coming really near to eat
to check other corners go to jane
i'm going away for a few days, i'll catch up when i'll be back
happy corner day

17 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Bien vu, l'oiseau !! Il n'a pas eu peur ?!

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem a dit…

Beautiful reds.

likeschocolate a dit…

I am impressed that the bird let you so close. Love the vines. so beautiful

;) a dit…

C'est beau ces rouges... Et tout en sensibilité pour ce petit oiseau qui semble si fragile.

Mari Mansourian a dit…

lovely colors :)

nadine paduart a dit…

yes. red leafs. high autumn!

Kari a dit…

I like the red leaves. So wonderful.

Don a dit…

Sweet bird photo!

Theresa a dit…

Look at that red!!

framboise a dit…

L'automne nous offre de jolies surprises!

Francesca a dit…

You were so lucky to get that pretty shot of the bird!

La cuisine de Myrtille a dit…

Un automne flamboyant! J'adore ces feuilles rouges :-)

mir a dit…

Super joli ! Et, très joli piou-piou !!!

natsumi a dit…

Gorgeous red!! Beautiful. And the bird is adorable!!!
Hope you have a great weekend!

Janis a dit…

Love your series of photos, and the bird is such a lovely surprise. So sweet...

la ninja a dit…

that near? wow.
we now seem to have green parakeets on the back gardens/trees as well as the usual jays, magpies and black birds. they want food, indeed.

la marmotte a dit…


bises iodées
la marmotte