mercredi 9 novembre 2011

home sweet home...

sun rising up,8/11/2011, 7h32
today's corner is "dream", and comes from Bonnie
love my home, love the details, love the kitchen, love the view, love the light...
you can see more here
to check other corners go to Francesca  
Happy corner day

14 commentaires:

Isabelle a dit…

petits chanceux ... il est beau votre "chez vous"

Menthe Blanche a dit…

Ce sont tes étagères de cuisine qui me plaisent tout particulièrement ; c'est très sympa.

Kristin a dit…

Oh I love the cupboard.

Mlle Paradis a dit…

j'ai l'impression qu'il s'agit de beaucoup de vues de ciel depuis ton chez toi. (un reve!) j'aime aussi ton arrosoir chinois!

Anonyme a dit…

so many nice details. love the colors on the pics too :)

tanïa a dit…

Oh, love all your pictures! Cozy colours!

Elizabeth a dit…

I love all those windows and your cupboard. You do have a wonderful view

Francesca a dit…

I envy your huge windows and verandah, and the gorgeous view.

Theresa a dit…

Charming and happy!

Bonnie a dit…

oooooooooooooooooh ! i love all of your photos ! they are just wonderful ! i especially love the shelves you keep your dishes on ! perfectly amazing !

here is mine ...

Kari a dit…

so cozy and welcoming.

flowtops a dit…

With those big windows, the sky is your companion!


Heather a dit…

Love your home - I want to live there!

nadine paduart a dit…

i think i may have said it before, they i wouldn't mind living in your place... bon dieu! ;)))