mercredi 7 octobre 2009

dans les airs

This week corner view is typical "souvenir" from your city
Almost every morning when the weather is nice, I can see hot air balloon
they take off around the house!
I took these picture this morning...

check others corners here

11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Quelle chance tu as de pouvoir "t'envoler" tous les matins... bon vol et surtout bon mercredi !

Isabelle a dit…

merci pour la ballade aérienne ...

Francesca a dit…

Can you really? How magic!

Unknown a dit…

the very best of souvenirs .... an experience! Lovely!

(my CV is HERE)

malo a dit…

I love to see them from the ground but I wouldn't want to go in one. They are beautiful and I love the blow sound.

Lollipop a dit…

veinarde! un spectacle pareil presque tous les jours! waouw!

Janis a dit…

This could also be napa valley - they air balloon there too :) Thanks for an uplifting CV!

Jodi a dit…

I took my 1st hot air balloon last summer. I loved it! LOVED IT!!!!!

la ninja a dit…

oh là là! really? that near?
lucky you! :)

Grey Lemon a dit…

Superbes photos! ici aussi il y a pas mal de balloons, la ville acceuille d'ailleurs tous les etes l'intertional balloon fest (un evenement!) meme si la meteo n'est pas toujours aussi clemente..!

Ritva a dit…

thank you!
such a wonderful souvenir!
up,up in the air!